Why i decided to start a blog

Posted on Sa 15 August 2020 in about-myself

Blogging is a topic I both love and hate. Everything started with my first Job where someone had the idea of increasing the companies (a startup at that time) visibility by creating a company-blog. The idea turned to reality and each and every employee was "asked" to submit an article every two weeks. As the consultant work was a piece of cake an no overtime was involved (sarcasm) - the execution was swiftly overhauled with a lot of complains and luckily the release cycles prolonged. Nevertheless, it was enough for me to release writing might not be my best quality (seemingly school didn't teach me that enough).

Over the time I began to both love and hate the blogs. I hated to have to write them and my inability to do so properly while loving the idea of sharing my knowledge. As I never studied CS, most of my knowledge was acquired over the Internet by the many awesome coder and engineers which where sharing their knowledge with me. So it felt natural to me that I should also return the favor and share my knowledge and experience with the coding- and open-source-community. With this I created several post about SQL, python and experiences. Though i never really felt fulfilled or happy with them. Obviously, they were all pushed to be on time and the topics where rather shallowly explained.

But one day one of them tuned out different. It was about airflow, why I chose it as a scheduler in a project and how to configure it in a more advance way.This one became a highly discussed one internally as it split the opinions of my colleges quite heavily. Some thought it was great to also address these advance topics while others opposed that as it did not seem to be appealing to the clients they wanted to attract. Long story short - that Post was split, rewritten and reviewed and finally set online in a management and a dev version - what a pain. But this was the first time I actually had the feeling that I achieved something. It was something worth sharing, from the content aspect at least.

Time past by, I left the company and never wrote a blog again. But after a few month I received some messages over LinkedIn where people where curios about my blog - they asked questions and gave me feedback! This was the point where the idea of creating my own blog was nourished again. Though as I was only a few month in my new position I focused on this instead. While growing in my job and so did the company I got the opportunity to takeover the supervision of the interns in my department. Supervising, teaching and training them finally brought be back to the point where I realized how important it is to share and discuss ideas, experience, theories and knowledge and the decision to start a blog was done

And here we are now ...